I’m in love with Evernote.
See, my very first historical epic was halfway written on my phone in Notes.
That’s over 50,000 words I had to scroll through in one single note!
But a couple months after I began writing it, my sister introduced me to this awesome thing called Evernote.
I was able to totally organize that 123k monster and know exactly where everything was.
I’ve used it for my novels, stories, blog posts, notes, and to-do lists ever since!
(This isn’t a paid promotion. I seriously love Evernote. ?)
In case you’re in need of a better place to store your writing or just want to browse through Evernote’s benefits, I’ll outline exactly how I store my writing in Evernote.
What is Evernote?
Evernote can be a (free!) website, computer app, or mobile app that’s basically a collection of digital notebooks. I don’t recommend the computer app; its interface isn’t as sleek.
But the site (shown above) and mobile app (what I finished my historical epic on) are awesome.
How to Use Evernote to Organize Your Writing
In each notebook, you can create multiple notes and write down things. You can also add things like photos or drawings.
I have notebooks for my blogs, projects, things I want to take notes on, and books.
For your writing, you’ll make one notebook for each book.
These are some of my notes for Warfare Book I!
I create a separate note for each chapter.
I also create a separate note for each section of brainstorming or of my outline.
You could always create a separate notebook for purely outlining stuff, but I wanted to keep everything together so I could easily access it.
I sort my notes this way so the chapters are in correct order.
This is what chapter one of Warfare Book I looks like!
(Open the picture in a new tab if you’d like to read it, but I just completely re-outlined the first scene in my macro edit, so what you’re reading won’t stay; but that’s my writing style.)
I finished writing my first novel in Evernote, but now, I write my chapters in Word so I can see my word count and have a backup of everything.
After I save a chapter in Word, I copy it over to Evernote, where the organization and layout is the best.
Evernote is awesome for quick sharing of notes.
Or entire notebooks!
There’s also an awesome work chat in which you can easily share to a friend’s email address. If they create an Evernote account, they can chat with you.
And, last but not least, this search feature searches everything. I thought I lost a few chapters, but after using this handy little guy I found out they were just in the wrong notebooks. ?
Aaand… that’s how I use Evernote to organize my writing!
For my non-fiction projects, I have a notebook for each blog and notes for each project.
Evernote actually has note templates for creative writing projects; there are world-building, character profiling, and even three-act plot structure templates! Check them out here.