Welcome to My Tiny Blog 2019-06-18T12:46:32-04:00

Welcome to My Tiny Blog

This is Madi from my other three blogs you might know. Welcome to my tiny blog, Late Nights & Real Life—somewhere I can post my rants and poetry that don’t quite fit on my other blogs.

If you want to subscribe to updates, copy and paste the following into your WordPress reader: http://madisongraceauthor.com/category/late-nights-real-life/feed/

New posts in this category, Late Nights & Real Life, will show up in your reader like a regular post.

Hope you find some amusement in my brain dump lol



  1. Clara June 18, 2019 at 1:50 pm - Reply

    I can’t remember what I said on here the first time but this page looks kinda lonely without a comment so I’ll leave one. XD HOORAY FOR LATE NIGHT RANDOMNESS. 😀

    • Madison Grace June 18, 2019 at 2:00 pm - Reply

      Thank you for saving the page from its loneliness ? HEHE THANK YOU!

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